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An early 2-D auto-scroller with two controlled characters

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Hellworm was made in 48 hours for the UA Game Dev Spring 2022 Game Jam. I had a large number of responsibilities on this project, splitting my attention between a number of primary roles. Because this was one of my first Unity projects, there is much that I feel could be improved about it. However, I am happy with the overall theme of the game and the idea of the player needing to split their attention between two characters at a fast pace, which I may revisit later. For the music, my group wanted something heavier to accompany playing as the villain. I did not have a guitar that could tune low enough for what I wanted to do on hand, so I used a 6 string bass with EQ and other processing to try to accomplish a similar sound. 


See more about the game and play it at the link.

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